Last week, Education Department organized meetings with education stakeholders including local government leaders, school Management committees, teachers and students from 4 project schools of Goba, Kiluvya, Malambamawili and Kibwegere primary schools in Ubungo Municipal.
The main objective of these meetings was to discuss activities that have been implemented by OCODE for the period of 5 years starting from 2019-2023 and come up with a strategic action plan on how stakeholders will continue to implement and maintain all the projects after the exit.
During the meeting stakeholders had an opportunity to organize a transect walk around the school to assess the condition of the implemented projects including pre-primary classrooms furnished with desks, chairs and tables and learning corners. They also assessed the suggestion boxes that have been provided to ensure pupils have an opportunity to air out their opinion about school development as well as reporting any form of violence and abuse they might experience at home or at school.
Stakeholders have come up with a strategic action plan for the maintenance and sustainability of the projects after the exit of OCODE. The sustainability of the project is very important as it will benefit future generations.