
BONGA means “let’s talk”. It is a 10 months circle project that empowers out-of-school adolescents aged 13 – 19 years who, due to various reasons, have not progressed in the formal education system. The project enables the youth to become productive and respected members of the society contrary remaining in the street to become more vulnerable and being considered as a burden to their families. Beneficiaries in this project include youth (girls and boys) who did not make it to secondary schools, those who drop out of school due to early pregnancy and marriage, and other difficult life circumstances.

The first 6 months of the circle are used for training the youth on important life skills and matters that build their confidence and self-esteem and savings culture through CMSG methodology. The last 4 months are used for Vocational skills training based on each youth’s preference after undergoing selection, planning and management training. The Life Skills and Vocational skills training enable them to become knowledgeable, skilful and employable members of the family. After graduating, youth form groups known as Bonga Forums. They use that platform to discuss, plan and implement various activities based on the skills obtained through the Bonga program to become self-employed or employable and benefit other youths in the community and society in general.


Bonga centers Formed
Youth enrolled